3 Reasons To Buy Rental Properties Now: Use A Financial Consultant To Plan Your Retirement

If you have disposable income and you are looking for a way to invest for the future, real estate may be a great way to plan your retirement. If you have the cash to pick up a small home, or if you have the extra funds to take on another mortgage, you'll want to talk with a financial planner to see if obtaining a rental property will benefit you. Here are three reasons right now is the perfect time to invest in rental properties and real estate.

Locked Low Mortgage Rates

Many homeowners and homebuyers were able to take advantage of the historically low interest rates in 2013. These consumers may not want to sell their home while they have such a low payment, and they may not be willing to take out another loan at a higher rate.

These rates are still low, meaning you can buy a rental property while paying low interest, rent it out while you are paying the mortgage, and then sell it later on down the road.

Unemployed College Graduates

The average age of a homebuyer is 31 years old. Unfortunately, employment levels amongst people between the ages of 24-34 were still above 20 percent.  Many of these college students fear their part-time employment isn't enough to support a mortgage, or that their job isn't reliable enough to take on a mortgage.

Many of these college graduates are renting houses because they need a place to live and don't want the apartment lifestyle, because they had to relocate for a new job, and because they want to start a family.

Mortgage Lenders Aren't Trusting

Mortgage lenders are more resistant to give out home mortgages than ever before. About one in four mortgage applications are denied, and some will fall through at the final steps before closing. These people need somewhere to live while they work on improving their credit, saving a down payment and more.

Your financial planner, from a company like Vaillancourt & Pescatore Group LLC, can help you determine what type of property you can afford to maintain, and what types of properties are going to be the best type of investment in your future. Let someone else pay the mortgage, or pay for the property in full and just cash the checks from the renter each month. You can pay the property off in 20 years with rent and then end up selling the property for cash after the value increases, making a return on your investment and getting a lump sum of money for retirement.
