Struggling To Save For Retirement? 3 Tips To Get Saving

Planning for retirement can be confusing. It can also feel impossible if you are barely making ends meet. A recent survey showed 31 percent of Americans have $5,000 or less saved, with two-thirds of that figure having zero. When the price of just getting by keeps rising, what's a person to do? Here are three tips to get you started. 1. Find Ways To Cut Back When it feels like there's not enough money to go around, it's normal to feel a bit of resentment at the notion of finding something to cut out. Read More 

How Bankruptcy Affects Your Ability To Get A Mortgage

If you have a bankruptcy in your past, it can affect your ability to get a loan; however, you can do things that will improve your chances of getting approved for a mortgage faster. The best thing you can do if you want to buy a house after bankruptcy is talk to a mortgage broker. The broker will tell you exactly what you need to do to qualify for a loan, and he or she will tell you exactly when you should qualify for a loan. Read More 

Your Home Business: Getting Money To Grow

Having a home business enables you to start earning money for yourself on your own terms. However, once business gets underway, it's sometimes hard to grow. Getting enough money for good equipment and supplies isn't always easy when you're first starting out. To get the capital you need for your business, consider the following.  Your Personal Savings Account The easiest place to turn is your own personal savings account. Whether you purposefully saved up money before starting your business or have been putting away money faithfully for years, the account may have some money to solve some of your business problems. Read More 

Need To Make Money To Pay Off Your Christmas Debt? Sell Some Gold

If you spent too much money on Christmas and used a credit card to do so, you may be having a hard time paying it back. To help you, there are things you can do to make some extra money so you can get your credit cards paid off quicker. One of these things is by selling gold. If you have any gold jewelry lying around your home, you may be surprised that you can make some money from it. Read More 

3 Mistakes You Need to Avoid with Quickbooks

To successfully use QuickBooks for your business, you do not have to be a technology genius. However, it helps to avoid some of the most commonly made mistakes associated with the software. To help you do just that, here are some pitfalls to look out for and what you can do to avoid them.   Failing to Keep Up with Entries As a small-business owner, you are tasked with handling various aspects of your business. Read More